Lighting Design
Proper illumination and Lighting Design are very important for people’s wellbeing whether it is at work, in leisure or at home. VSO’s experience, knowledge and state-of-the-art design tools ensure efficient solutions for each case. Our experts use specialised software to calculate brightness and visual examples on what kind of mood the lighting will create.
The selection and placement of the lamp device is not only an engineering issue but also a question of peoples tastes that differ greatly in this respect. This makes Lighting Design a very creative subject. A well designed outdoor lighting can also have a large effect on a building and its surroundings by emphasizing certain aspects of it or with the interplay of light and shadow.
Daylight is also a major factor in all lighting design. Our experience and knowhow regarding the combination of daylight, electrical light sources and technical solutions is the cornerstone of our lighting design.
Among VSO’s projects in the field of Lighting Design are:
- Schools
- Offices
- Hotels
- Commercial buildings.
- Nursing homes
- Hospitals
- Movie theatres
- Sports facilities
- Streets, roads, pathways, plots, bridges and tunnels.
- Special lighting of various types.
For further information, please contact Alma Pálsdóttir.