Specialized Surveying is among the many services VSO renders for both municipalities and contractors but Surveying is also an important part of most projects in the Infrastructure & Transport section – in both design and supervision projects alike. Among other Surveying equipment VSO uses Trimble S8 Total Stations and Trimble R10 GPS Rover for Surveying and only the most up to date software is used for data processing.
Examples of VSO’s projects in the field of surveying are:
- Vogar Municipality – Permanent Survey Marks system.
- Eiríkskgata and Egilsgata in Reyjavík – Surveying of lots and buildings.
- Eykt, ÍAV and other contractors – Various surveying services.
- Sultartangi, Vatnsfell and Búðarháls hydropower plants – Permanent Survey Marks system and surveying for project supervision and surveillance.
- Kárahnjúkar Hydropower plant, powerhouse – Permanent Survey Marks system and surveying for project supervision and surveillance.
For further information please contact Vilhjálmur Árni Ásgeirsson