+354 585 9000 vso@vso.is

Ásta Lilja Björnsdóttir


Tel: +354 585 9145
Mobile: +354 697 7499
E-mail: astal@vso.is

Technical Drawing
Reykjavik Technical College 1995

Ásta Camilla Gylfadóttir


Tel: +354 585 9183
Mobile: +354 843 0808
E-mail: astag@vso.is

Landscape Architect M.Sc.
Norges Landbrukshøgskole Ås 2004

Ásta Maack

Environment & Planning

Tel: +354 585 9167
E-mail: asta@vso.is

Enviromental Management and Policy M.Sc.
Lund University, Sweden 2019

Biology B.Sc.
University of Icel...

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